College Directory
English and Philosophy
North Faculty Tower
Brighton Campus
Building: 5, Room: 532
Phone Number: 585-292-2027
Web Site:
English and Philosophy
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | Email |
Leuzzi, Anthony J., Interim Chairperson | 585-292-3392 | tleuzzi |
MacGregor, Lynetta D., Secretary | 585-292-3382 | lmacgregor |
Alvarez, Joel | | jalvarez24 |
Appleton, Deborah C. | | dappleton2 |
Auyer, Jonathan P. | | jauyer |
Blake, Thomas W. | 585-292-3331 | tblake |
Bodway, Jacob A. | 585-292-3269 | jbodway |
Bowman, Shardai S. | | sbowman5 |
Brandt, Maria F. | 585-292-3394 | mbrandt |
Burtner, Amy L. | 585-292-3386 | aburtner |
Callan, Patrick T. | 585-292-3266 | pcallan |
Chamberlain, Dianne E. | | dchamberlain3 |
Clements, Diane | 585-685-6178 | dclements |
Clifton, Walter S. | | wclifton |
Cocks, Richard M. | | rcocks |
Daniels, April A. | 585-292-3139 | adaniels010 |
Dickerson, Stephanie R. | | sdickerson003 |
Drost, Mark P. | | mdrost |
Dunning, William J. | 585-685-6121 | wdunning |
Eberle, Kelli | | keberle |
Emigh-Murphy, Pamela | 585-292-3378 | pemighmurphy |
Fox, Matthew J. | 585-292-3138 | mfox |
Gamet, Amy | | agamet |
Glaser, Meghan A. | 585-292-3144 | mglaser |
Graham, Tokeya | 585-685-6104 | tgraham |
Graves, Shawn | | sgraves11 |
Halecki, Mary | | mhalecki1 |
Henton, Renee M. | | rhenton |
Hill, Peggy | | phill22 |
Jackson, Tyrell | | tjackson109 |
Johnston, Angelique | 585-292-3270 | ajohnston |
Johnston, Elizabeth D. | 585-292-3383 | ejohnston |
Keith, Jay C. | 585-292-3281 | jkeith |
Kelly-Sutliff, Jordu A. | | jkelly-sutliff |
Koehler, Matthew | | mkoehler4 |
Lanker, Jason A. | | jlanker |
McCusker, James E. | 585-292-3140 | jmccusker |
McDonough, Jean A. | | jmcdonough |
McKinney, Yulanda M. | 585-292-3388 | ymckinney |
McLuckie, David W. | | dmcluckie |
Moriarty, Dennis J. | | dmoriarty |
Muhlnickel, Robert L. | 585-292-3243 | rmuhlnickel |
Mulligan, Mary L. | | mmulligan |
Nelson, James F. | 585-292-3390 | jnelson |
Nelson, Victor | | vnelson002 |
Nolan, Michael P. | 585-685-6166 | mnolan |
O'Donnell, Nancy E. | | nodonnell |
Oinen, Elizabeth A. | | eoinen |
Reed, Nicole L. | | nreed15 |
Rich, Robert | | rrich1 |
Rodriguez, Juan A. | 585-292-3222 | jrodriguez |
Rose-Bean, Kirstin | | krosebean |
Rosen-Carole, Adam | | arosencarole |
Rudd, Scott E. | 585-292-3248 | srudd |
Salsburg Taylor, Judi A. | 585-292-3275 | jsalsburg |
Senden, James C. | 585-292-3338 | jsenden |
Silvio, Carl | 585-292-3391 | csilvio |
Stevens, Angelique C. | 585-685-6137 | astevens |
Strollo, Jessica | | jstrollo |
Tepper, Laura M. | | ltepper |
Tudhope, Kelly F. | | ktudhope |
Wells, Sueann M. | | swells18 |
Wheeler, Holly A. | 585-292-3277 | hwheeler |
Wilcox, Graham | | gwilcox5 |
Williams, Heather L. | 585-292-3271 | hwilliams |
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