
问题: Am I automatically certified each semester?

答: 不——因为有无数种不同的方式可以通过退伍军人福利来支付教育费用, 金融援助, 自掏腰包, 等., we want to make sure each student makes a request to use their benefits each semester. 有些学生喜欢在晚些时候使用他们的福利,如果学生最初没有要求,我们不希望用完他们的福利.  您可以通过亲自访问退伍军人服务办公室或通过电话或电子邮件向我们申请认证.

问题: When will I start receiving my benefits (checks/direct deposit)?

答: 正常情况下, 您的支票/直接存款将在刚刚过去的一个月之后的一个月的第一天或前后到来. 例如: if you start attending MCC in the Fall semester, you would receive your monthly payment on/around October 1 for the month of September. 有时,这段时间会根据区域虚拟服务办公室的处理量而延长. If you do not receive your benefits payment on/around the first of the month, you will receive back pay for anything that you are owed. Questions regarding payment should be directed to the VA hotline at 1-888-442-4551.

问题: 如果开学后没有开始支付学杂费,我如何支付学杂费?

答: MCC退伍军人服务中心可以将你的部分或全部学杂费的支付推迟三个月. 计算可以延迟多少, multiply your monthly VA entitlement by the number of months in the semester. 例如, if you are a full time student receiving Chapter 30 benefits, 我们可以推迟1美元,473美元/月x 4个月或5美元,892. 在这个场景中, the entire bill would be deferred. 然而, a student receiving full-time Chapter 1606 benefits, would only be able to defer $345 per/month x 4 months or $1380. 在这个场景中, 学生必须预先支付超出的部分(超过1380美元的账单金额),或者做出其他安排,比如使用经济援助, or setting up a payment plan with the Student Accounts Office.

问题: I am receiving Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) GI Bill ® benefits, can I also receive federal and state 金融援助?

答: 是的...也没有. If you are eligible for 100% Chapter 33 benefits, 那么你就只能获得联邦财政援助,比如佩尔助学金和学生贷款. If you are eligible for 40% - 90% Chapter 33 benefits, 那么你可能会获得联邦财政援助以及州财政援助,如TAP和/或VTA,但州援助和VA的福利可能不会超过你的学费.

问题: MCC says I am a full-time student taking 12 credits, 然而 for part of the semester the VA only paid for ¾ time status. 这可能吗??

答: 是的, under certain circumstances this situation exists. The basis for VA benefits payments is attendance dates. When part of the 12-credit load covers a non-standard term (i.e. 课程长度少于整个15周的学期)VA将只支付在任何给定时间内所取得的学分数量. 因此, if part of the 12 credit load is a one credit course taken the last month of the term, VA将支付学生在学习11学分时的3 / 4时间状态和在学习12学分时的全日制状态.

问题: I am being deployed during the semester, what do I need to do?

答: If you discover that you are being deployed at any time during the semester, please contact the 经验丰富的服务 Office ASAP. 我们需要一份您的订单副本,以便我们可以确保您不会因退出课程而产生任何费用. 然而, 这是根据具体情况处理的,不能保证你的账单会被完全删除. If your training or orders will only last a few days or so, 你需要立即联系你的教授,以确保你的缺课不会影响你的课堂作业和学术地位.

问题: 退伍军人管理局会支付我的专业以外的课程或我想要重修以获得更好成绩的课程吗?

答: You can only use your VA benefits for courses that fit in your academic program. 关于复读课程, you may only use your benefits to repeat a course in which your academic program requires a certain passing grade; or if you received a "W" or "F" for the course. This is also the same for 金融援助 use.

问题: 上学期我退了课,整个学期继续领取退伍军人福利. 这会影响未来的利益吗?

答: 是的- va可以允许一次性减少最多6个学分而不受处罚(收回资金). 在正常情况下, 然而, 如果存在超额付款的情况, VA will collect this money back out of future VA payments. If the student decides not to return to school, then VA will normally start legal collection proceedings against the student, which will ultimately affect the student's credit rating. Appeals or questions regarding this should be handled by the VA at 1-888-442-4551.

问题: Are there any academic standards that I must maintain to keep my VA educational benefits?

答: 是的 - you must maintain a "C" average or a Grade Point Average of 2.0 / 4.0. MCC的退伍军人服务办公室在每学期结束时审查学业成绩单. 那些一直表现低于既定成功标准的学生必须向布法罗的VA地区办事处报告. 退伍军人管理局是暂停或撤销福利的最终决定权. 你也可能会被留校察看,并且有最大的信用负担,这可能会影响你有资格获得的福利金额.

问题: Will my VA education benefits cover tutoring?

答: In general, VA will cover tutoring costs under certain conditions. 一般来说,学生必须证明他们有缺陷和/或不符合项目标准,才能考虑报销辅导费用. VA will reimburse up to $100 per month for six months, without entitlement being affected. If tutoring is required beyond this dollar amount, then these costs will be deducted from your VA entitlement, thus shortening the period of which you are eligible to receive benefits. For more information, please visit the GI Bill ® web site here: GI法案®辅导信息.

问题: 我服了三年兵役,在光荣的条件下退伍,并在服役期间向《博彩论坛大全》(GI Bill®)缴纳了1200美元. Am I eligible for 经验丰富的s Education benefits?

答: You are only eligible for VA educational benefits if you received an honorable discharge.

问题: Will VA pay benefits for any program I want to take at MCC?

答: Most programs at MCC are supported with VA benefits. The 经验丰富的服务 office maintains a list of all programs covered by benefits. If you want to be certain that the program you are applying for is covered, contact the 经验丰富的服务 office at MCC.

问题: Is there any way that I can qualify for more than three years of VA educational benefits?

答: 大多数福利类别的标准奖励期为三年的全职福利(章35 受助人最多可获得45个月的津贴及额外5个月的补习/进修培训). 享受福利的学生, even though possibly qualified under more than one chapter, may only receive benefits under one category at a time. 然而,这是可能的, to have benefits extended for an additional year, if qualified under more than one chapter. Example: Joe Smith served a four-year term in the Army, 下了, then enlisted in the NY National Guard for six years. 根据第30章的规定,乔有资格获得现役军人的福利,根据第1606章的规定,乔有资格获得国民警卫队的福利. 在这种情况下,他将获得第30章的福利,直到他们用尽(因为奖励更高),然后再获得第1606章的全职福利.

问题: 什么是踢球者??

答: kicker是支付给某些VA教育福利接受者的补充,因为该单位是“高优先级单位”。. Kickers generally range from $100 to several hundred dollars in extra benefits per month. If you are receiving benefits under Chapter 1606 (Reserve Component), be certain to inform the 经验丰富的服务 office if you are to receive a kicker. 在某些情况下, 第30章受助人在服完现役后在预备役单位服役的,也可以领取补偿金. 在任何一种情况下,我们都会要求您带来您的踢球合同的副本,以确保它被有效地处理,没有延误!!

问题: How do I sign up for the National Guard 学费 Assistance program?

答: The 学费 Assistance program is funded and administered by the State of New York. 有关此计划的问题应通过您的国民警卫队解决,如果适用的话. This is also applicable to any DoD TA program.

问题: 我听说我在军队里所做的一些工作可以获得一些大学学分. 这是怎么回事??

答: With the receipt of an official transcript and request by the student, we will do an evaluation of your military transcripts. 一旦我们完成评估, we will forward a copy to the 招生 office, where any credits you were awarded will be posted to your academic transcript. Most students will get a least two physical education credits for completing basic training. 通常收到的其他学分被算作一般选修学分,可以代替你各自课程的一般选修要求. 对必修课程授予军事学分的决定取决于各自的系主任.