Biennial Review of Monroe Community College's Alcohol and Other Drug Programs


Monroe Community College, through access to affordable academic programs, leads excellence and innovation in higher education, inspires diverse students to transform their lives and communities, drives regional economic development, and builds global engagement and understanding.

Committee Members

John Delate (Co-Chair)
Associate Vice President, Student Services

Dolores Pasto-Ziobro (Co-Chair)
Institutional Compliance Office and Internal Auditor, Compliance and Internal Audit

Aaron Bouyea
Director, Athletics

Jacqueline Carson
Director, Health Services

Jamia Danzy
Director, Housing and Residence Life

Kimberly DeLardge
Interim Director, Retention & Student Services

Kristin Lowe
Director, Human Resources

Virginia Geer-Mentry
Executive Director, MCC Association, Inc.

Amy Greer
Director, Student Rights and Responsibilities

Rick Sadwick
Associate Director, Registration and Records

Darrell Jachim-Moore
Associate Vice President, Administrative Services

Terry Keys
Associate Vice President, Academic Services

Ryan Messenger
Assistant to the Vice President, Student Services

Yolanda Johnson
Manager, Campus Events

Jodi Oriel
Director, Office of Student Life and Leadership Development

Michael Quinn
Controller, Administrative Services

Aubrey Zamiara
Director, Counseling Center and Disability Services

I. Overview

《博彩论坛大全》(DFSCA)的《博彩论坛大全》(34 CFR第86部分)要求像博彩网址大全(MCC)这样的高等教育机构(IHE)证明,它已经采取并实施了防止MCC学生和员工在其场所和任何活动中滥用酒精和使用或分发非法药物的方案. 每个高等教育机构每年至少必须向所有学生和员工分发以下书面文件:

  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.
  • A description of the legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
  • A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs that are available to employees or students.
  • 一份明确的声明,说明该机构将对学生和员工实施制裁,并描述这些制裁, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution.
  • 法律进一步要求该机构对其方案进行两年一次的审查,目标如下:
    1. 确定政策的有效性,并在必要时对酒精和其他药物(AOD)项目进行修改, and
    2. to ensure that the sanctions developed are enforced.



The following College departments provided information for the report:

  • Academic Services
  • Administrative Services
  • Athletics
  • Campus Events
  • Counseling Center and Disability Services
  • Health Services
  • Housing and Residence Life
  • Human Resources
  • Institutional Research
  • Institutional Compliance and Internal Audit
  • Office of Student Life and Leadership Development
  • Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • Public Safety
  • Office of Student Services

世纪挑战集团的两年一次审查委员会使用教育部的《博彩论坛大全》,包括《博彩论坛大全》和《博彩论坛大全》,进行两年一次的审查. 本文件的目的是为了满足进行两年一次审查的法律要求,并总结2016-2017和2017-2018学年博彩网址大全校园内与酒精和毒品预防有关的项目和活动.

II. MCC Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy

Monroe Community College’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy is attached – Appendix A. 该政策每三年进行一次审查,最后一次由MCC董事会于3月7日批准, 2016. 根据《博彩论坛大全》的要求,该政策包含以下信息:

  • Standards of conduct that prohibit unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on its property or as a part of its activities
  • A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol
  • A list of applicable legal sanctions under local, state or federal law
  • A description of counseling or treatment programs available to employees and students
  • 该机构将对学生和员工施加的纪律处分的声明和说明

New York State Laws Governing Alcohol

All Monroe Community College students are responsible for complying with the New York State laws, which include the following:

  1. Persons under 21 found possessing alcohol may be given a maximum fine of $50.
  2. 任何被判以欺诈手段使用驾驶执照购买或试图购买酒精的人,其驾驶执照可能被吊销至多90天.
  3. 通过欺诈手段购买酒精的人可能面临100美元的罚款和/或被要求做最多30小时的社区服务工作.


Behavior that disrupts the educational environment, causes public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk to people and/or property, even though motivated by alcohol, is a violation of law and college conduct regulations.


III. Distribution of MCC's Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy

联邦政府授权的MCC毒品和酒精预防政策通过年度校园安全和消防安全报告分发给所有在校生和员工,并提供给所有潜在的学生和新员工. Each year, 所有在校生以及所有员工都会在不迟于当年10月1日收到一封电子邮件通知,说明如何以电子方式访问报告. 未来的学生和员工也可以获得电子或硬拷贝报告的信息. Print versions of the report are distributed to select offices at each campus location.

MCC的毒品和酒精预防政策也可以在员工政策网站上找到,学院目录为学生提供了查看包含该政策的年度校园安全和消防安全报告的信息. Additionally, 未来学生可在学生消费者信息网页上直接链接到MCC预防毒品和酒精政策, parents, guidance counselors, coaches, and the public.

IV. MCC's Alcohol and Drug Program Goals

博彩网址大全认为,非法使用毒品和酒精对学院社区的健康和安全构成严重危害,并干扰教育和职业成功. 学院完全遵守1989年无毒学校和社区法案,禁止非法持有, consumption and distribution of drugs and alcohol on college property, during classes and at activities officially sponsored by the College.