在博彩网址大全, our innovative approach to education has made us one of the top 25 community colleges in the U.S. Our 100+ academic degrees and certificate programs prepare students for an advanced degree at a four-year college or provide them with the skills they need to enter the workforce right after MCC.
We also offer an abundance of professional development and training solutions for seasoned professionals, 包括IT认证, 精益六西格玛, 以及高级管理人员领导力培训. The team at MCC企业学院 will partner with your organization to create a workforce that will grow with you and lead the way to success, 现在和将来. 了解更多关于 MCC企业学院.
In 2011, MCC established its 经济发展和创新劳动力服务 division (EDIWS). EDIWS的使命是:
- 积极创建和促进一个强大的应用stem, 职业技术教育和中等技能职业路径体系
- 支持对学术课程和设备的投资, 职业技术教育, 以及针对行业的编程
- Proactively address the shortage in the educational pipeline (future workforce) and skills gap in the existing workforce
- Provide outreach to Rochester business and industry in an aggressive and pervasive way
支持我们的使命, EDIWS has undertaken several projects to develop and analyze local labor market information and gain a data-driven understanding of our local workforce dynamics. 关键不是为了测量而测量, but making this information actionable and impactful to the workforce function of the College.
我们最近的报道, Measuring Middle-Skills Occupational Gaps within the Western New York Regional Economy, uses a labor supply/labor demand analysis applied to 23 middle-skill occupational groups from five local workforce clusters: advanced manufacturing, 熟练的交易, 信息与计算机技术, 卫生保健, 酒店业和旅游业.
The sector analysis includes dashboards identifying and measuring educational attainment through a region’s capacity to produce certificate and degree completions against estimated annual openings for each middle-skills occupational group.
帮助你的员工. 加强你的业务.
想要确保你的员工和你自己的成功? MCC企业学院可以提供帮助. We offer a variety of courses that focus on everything from basic computer skills to IT certifications, 精益六西格玛和执行领导力发展. 通过专业的教育培训解决方案, 我们可以帮助您和您的团队在当今的市场中脱颖而出.
更新你的技能,在你的领域保持竞争力. 寻找新的技能来转换职业. MCC企业学院 provides education and training for individuals throughout the year.
课程包括技术学分和非学分课程, 领导, 业务创新和客户服务技能.
我们与罗彻斯特工厂合作! 以及其他社区组织, 并为团体和个人提供IT认证培训机会, 技术培训等等.
度 & 证书
Many options are available for incumbent worker and individual worker success and sustainability in the age of the lifelong learner.
开始的时候,很简单 博彩论坛大全 今天.
如果您有兴趣雇用MCC的学生或毕业生,我们可以提供帮助. 我们提供几种服务, 包括我们的简历推荐服务, 校园面试, 招聘会等. 你甚至可以发布公司的实习或空缺职位.
了解更多 关于世纪挑战集团如何帮助您为您的团队找到最合适的人选.
世纪挑战基金会已经奖励了超过 $16.800万年 自2006年起获奖学金
年复一年, the 博彩网址大全 Foundation continues to help MCC create the workforce of the future. 罗彻斯特市有50多名商业和社区领袖 世纪挑战基金会. 在一起, they ensure that any student who has the desire to learn and succeed has access to grants, 奖学金和其他经济援助, 这样他或她就可以通过世纪挑战获得良好的教育.
了解如何为MCC学生带来改变. 支持 世纪挑战集团基金会 今天.
- 转移3美元.9 million in contributions from private philanthropists to the 世纪挑战集团基金会 to the college in support of programs, 设施及奖学金
- 奖金近1元.为MCC的学生提供一百万奖学金
- 授予420美元,903 in emergency funds to 782 students through the MCC Assist program to help students overcome basic needs insecurities
- 世纪挑战基金会的捐赠增加到近1800万美元
博彩网址大全 has thousands of success stories – and you might be one of them! Our outstanding professors and excellent academics have inspired countless former students, 又反过来激励了今天的MCC学生.
Our alumni receive many benefits from being graduates of the College -- and they give back even more. From career mentorship to providing internship and employment opportunities to supporting MCC’s Annual Fund or establishing a scholarship, 你可以帮助现在和未来的MCC学生取得成功. Because that’s what being a Tribune is all about: carrying on the tradition of education for all.
MCC is fortunate to have so many enthusiastic supporters who allow us to sustain the 世纪挑战集团基金会’s many beneficial community programs. Here are just a few of the philanthropic initiatives that enable so many others to succeed:
The $200,000 Save for Success grant, awarded from the Assets for Independence Program of the U.S. 卫生与公众服务部, 旨在帮助低收入的高中毕业生, 第一代大学生和失业工人. 通过匹配MCC学生的储蓄, the program increases their economic self-sufficiency and decreases their need for student loans.
另一个由美国政府资助的项目.S. 卫生与公众服务部的500美元,000个成功之路基金, developed to help young student-parents complete high school and pursue a college degree.
博彩网址大全的成功很大程度上归功于我们的敬业精神, 屡获殊荣的教师每天都在激励着我们的学生. 在2013 - 2014, 五名特殊的教职员工获得了28美元的奖金,823美元用于奖励他们的创新想法和建议, 如何确保MCC的学生能够接触到最新的技术, 最高级别的支持等等.
The 世纪挑战集团基金会 is thankful to the Greater Rochester 健康 Foundation for its generous grant of $597,000, which has allowed more than 450 students from Rochester city schools to attend the 健康y Hero Summer Camp at MCC. This five-week camp reduces learning loss and motivates students to stay healthy over the summer. Support from Glover-Crask Charitable Trust helps keep this healthy learning experience affordable for families.
要了解更多关于这些资助和今年MCC获得的其他支持,请查看我们的 年度报告.
3×Recipent 总统的
Civic engagement is a tremendously important part of 博彩网址大全’s mission. 从改善当地经济到独特的举措 帮助有风险的年轻学生取得成功 个人和学术上, MCC的学生, 教职员工不知疲倦地工作,使罗切斯特地区成为一个更好的居住地, 为所有邻居工作和娱乐.
23078小时 of
世纪挑战集团很荣幸能与 RochesterWorks!这是该县最大的就业和培训计划. 我们的使命是一致的:帮助罗切斯特的人民和企业, NY, 发展强大的劳动力,确保社会有一个光明的未来.
博彩网址大全, the Rochester City School District and other community partners are working together on an exciting initiative known as 中华民国的未来. Our goal is to ensure all children get the opportunities and support they need to succeed in school.
MCC学生参与 美国志愿队, 这是一个全国性的服务项目,在我们市中心的校园设有分支机构, 帮助所有年龄段的学生对他们的教育更感兴趣. 志愿者在城市的几所学校工作, 以及罗切斯特大学, 罗切斯特教育基金会甚至世纪挑战集团本身.
MCC’s 公共安全训练设施 (PSTF) grooms students to become highly skilled first responders. 由具有实际经验的教师授课, 我们的项目包括飞机救援和消防, 紧急医疗服务培训和警察招聘基本培训.
Students – as well as local public safety personnel – use MCC’s sophisticated equipment and technology, 包括燃烧建筑模拟器, 危险品喷洒实验室, 武器范围, 诊断设备等. Watch this video to learn more about how MCC is training students to keep our community safe.